
MT Finance’s panel valuer (MJ Consulting) advises AXA R.E. on €55m deal

Axa Real Estate Investment Managers has bought a sale and leaseback deal with one of the country’s largest supermarket operators. On behalf of its Alternative Property Income Venture (APIV), AXA has bought the portfolio of 28 stations, located across northern Spain, from Spanish retailer Eroski. All the properties are subject to a 20-year lease and

MT Finance has joined the ASTL

  We are delighted to announce that we have joined the Association of Short Term Lenders. Tomer Aboody head of business development stated; ‘We see the ASTL as having a significant role to play within the short term financing market in promoting greater transparency and client care.  These values run to the core of our

read the first edition of ‘IM On the Money’

We recommend reading ‘IM On the Money’ produced by Irwin Mitchell Solicitors in association with Ascent. To read the first edition of the publication click on the following link: Irwin Mitchell have been appointed to act for MT Finance on a range of matters. Irwin Mitchell are a growing, and in our opinion, excellent full service

MT Finance becomes AOBP associate lender

We are pleased to announce that we have joined the Association of Bridging Finance Professionals (AOBP) as Affiliate Lenders. The newly formed Association provides a service to intermediaries, master brokers and packagers in the Bridging Loan industry by providing a forum for discussion on non-competitive issues, acting as a trade body to help promote a

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