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house price growth slowed in May as London and the South East continue to weigh the market down

house prices: demand in Midlands, Wales & the North take asking prices to near record high  

research finds Manchester to have highest office take up of 10 major UK cities

Research finds Manchester to have Highest Office Take Up of 10 Major UK Cities

house prices up 5.2% in 12 months to May 2019, lender data shows

House prices up 5.2% in 12 months to May 2019, lender data shows

has your home REALLY increased in value by over 5 per cent?  

housing market stagnates with prices up just 0.6% year on year

Housing market stagnates with prices up just 0.6% year on year, down month on month

annual house price growth remains below 1 per cent for the sixth month  

mortgage approvals increase for sixth month  

UK mortgage approvals hit two-year high following Brexit extension  

house sales dip slightly in April but remain resilient for 2019 overall  

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